




No1    No2

Bulletin 3



             The entries received so far:

                         32 Hungarian                                                        66  OTVR                  

                         25 Italian                                                               63  ELOT

                         24 Czech                                                               12  OTMR A

                         18 Slovak                                                              18  OTMR B

                           3 USA                                                                  10  NMR

                           3 Belgian                                                             16  NMR 2,5

                           3 Austrian                                                            36  Texaco

                           1 San Marino                                                       42  1/2A Texaco

                           1 German                                                             44  Speed 400

                           1 Spanish                                                              17  El.Rubber


                                A total of 10 countries, 108 competitor, 324 models

                               The registration deadline was extended until the beginning of the competition!


             The  GPS  coordinates  of  Jakabszállás  airport  and  routes  can  be found in the  Maps  menu.

                              The restaurant prices for  download


                  What we offer at the airport?                     

                                                     Sightseeing Flights:             65.-  EU/hour

                                                    Horse-drawn carriage ride in the wilderness. (previous day appointment)

                                                    Bowling, snooker in the Sport Centrum.

                 Finally, a few  pictures  around  the  hotel.


                       See you at the competition!